Thiele, Lonny (2019). Farm to War – A World War 1 Mule Story. Reidhead & Company Publishers. 95 Seiten. ISBN 978-1940777801
A Story of Mules and War One month they are farm mules in Missouri and Arkansas, the next month they are headed to the east coast to board a ship for France to assist the American Expeditionary Force during World War I. Their farm training prepares them for packing wounded doughboys from front lines to makeshift hospitals and pulling wagons and guns up steep muddy hills where machines and horses were unable to go.
Thiele Lonny Thiele of Poplar Bluff, Missouri has owned and ridden horses for decades. His love of mules started in 1998 after he won his first Missouri Press Association’s annual award, which was for his four-part newspaper series about farming with mules in Missouri’s bootheel. The series was picked up by the Associated Press for state-wide coverage. This is Thiele’s third mule book.