Campell, Loreita M. Ed. (1965). Etna from mule train to copter. Eschscholtzia Parlor No. 112 Native Daughters of the golden West, Etna California. 68 Seiten.
It has been our aim to preserve the many old pictures which describe Etna’s past and to portray its growth in the present. Our book, of course, can depict only a small portion of this pastor even the present; but it is our hope that it will stimulate others to collect and preserve these treasures of the past which are so rapidly disappearing. Our sources of information include: Wells‘ History of Siskiyou County, various issues of the Siskiyou County Historical Society Yearbook, clippings from county and local newspapers, and information gained by conversations with older residents of Etna. We wish to thank everyone who helped us in the preparation of this book. Especially, we wish to thank Mrs. Bernita Tickner for the many hours she spent in typing the major part of the book, and also we thank Mrs. Beverly Berryhill and Mrs. Gloria Snapp for typing assistance. Our special thanks to Mrs. Stell Fisher for the cover.